Sage DeRosierI believe in the powers of unconditional love and conscious choice. I hold fast to the idea that no matter what our challenges or perceived obstacles, each of us is always instinctively moving toward healing, wholeness, and peace. It is my honor to bear witness to those who want to grow beyond patterns of unpleasantness, pain, and despair into new and more satisfying ways of being in relationship. Since I started practicing psychotherapy, time and time again, I have seen my clients grow happier, feel more empowered and hopeful, and experience more loving relationships as a result of their commitment to their personal growth work. Daily, I feel humbled and inspired by those people with the courage to reach out for help and experiment with new ways of being in the world.

I earned my Master's degree in Counseling Psychology, Holistic Studies from John F. Kennedy University. This program went beyond the requirements for clinical psychology to include trans-personal psychology (spiritual focus) and somatic psychology (physical focus). My master's program provided me with a more well-rounded and inclusive foundation to more effectively work with the mind-body-spirit connection.

My training includes almost two years at Pathways Hospice working with individuals and families as well as groups to help them better navigate the intense experiences of grief, traumatic loss, and bereavement. I spent about five years at Starlight Community Services working with at-risk youth and their families on issues such as depression, anxiety, anger management, conflict management, trauma from abuse and neglect, developmental issues, phobias, and sexuality issues. I trained for two years at the Process Therapy Institute in the dynamic process-oriented model which is focused on helping people have powerful reparative experiences instead of just talking about problems and recounting the week's events.

I have experience working with the courts, the Department of Probation, the Department of Children and Family Services as well as Child Protective Services. I also have experience working with the Victim/Witness Program.

CAMFT_Member_Logo Degrees and Certifications:
  • Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist MFC 52031
  • M.A. Counseling Psychology, Holistic Studies - John F. Kennedy University
  • Trained ART (Accelerated Resolution Therapy) Therapist
  • Certified in Process Therapy - Process Therapy Institute
  • Member California Association of Marriage & Family Therapists
  • Trained in Commercial Mediation
  • Trained Sex Educator - San Francisco Sex Information (SFSI) comprehensive training program